Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why the Sad Posts?

So, I start this blog off with sad and horrible moments in time. Why? In part, to get them out of the way as soon as possible. They have been weighing on my mind since you were born, since before you were born. I remember how my mom would get when I had my fascination with the Kennedy era. She instantly could recall where she was when she found out Kennedy had been shot (in Mr. Tatum's class in eighth grade, only one grade lower than I was with the OKC bombing). She could recall Mr. Tatum having left the classroom and coming back and he was visibly upset and had gotten onto the class for acting up while he was gone. That's when he told them.

Hearing her remember this event so vividly just struck me. And now I have mine own vivid memories of "Where were you when..." moments. You will have yours, yet I wish you didn't have to. It will be a moment of awakening to realize just how big the world is and how little we are in comparison. It will be a moment of uncertainty and fear at the thought that you will have to make your way into this world, a world were things of that magnitude and devastation can happen. I wish I could spare you that, but you need those in order to grow up. I wish I could tell you the world is a good place all the time, but it's not. I will tell you there is an amazing amount of good, even in the bad times. Look always for the positive. Look for ways to do something, anything to help. Big or small, acknowledged or anonymously, just do it.

I want you to know exactly where I was and how old I was at those times. I want you to have that same feeling I had, the same "Wow...that must have been important" thought running through your head. But I also want you to understand how I felt, what the atmosphere was like, what really was going on.

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